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Monday, March 28, 2016

Stephen Miller Exposes Faux-Feminism of CNN Panel with Facts About Muslim Migration and Open Borders

Members of Sunday morning’s panel on CNN State of the Union are oblivious to the barbaric, anti-Western practice facing hundreds of thousands of U.S. girls as a result of unbridled Muslim migration.

When the CNN panel sought to criticize Donald Trump for his so-called sexist retweet that has monopolized the news cycle for several days, Trump’s senior policy advisor Stephen Miller punched back, slamming Washington’s political class and corporate media for expressing “feigned indignation” about a retweet while ignoring serious issues facing U.S. women.

“The political class in Washington D.C. works itself up into a feigned indignation about things that don’t actually affect the lives of the American people,” said Stephen Miller. He went on:

I think it says a lot about the conscience of Washington D.C. how many hours we’ve spent discussing a retweet. And it would be nice if one-tenth the outrage that has been spent in feigned indignation over this retweet had instead been spent this summer when Kate Steinle was murdered in cold blood by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco. Congress did nothing when an American citizen was murdered and died in her father’s arms in cold blood.

Miller explained that the political class in Washington D.C. gets mad about the wrong things. Miller then proceeded to list issues that should actually be a source of righteous indignation: “We don’t get mad when Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants, we don’t get mad when people have their jobs taken by cheaper foreign workers here on visa programs, we don’t get mad when entire cities are crushed by our trade policies that send jobs overseas… So I think a big part of the Trump campaign is that people want to get mad about the right things.”

Miller continued:

It’s a choice that the political class makes in D.C. in terms of what they want to focus on… It is a trivial issue to be debating retweets when it is a fact that you have Americans dying every single day as a result of our immigration policies. You want to talk about women’s issues? Here’s something we should be talking about. This is a fact: as a result of uncontrolled migration into this country— you can look this up, this is a statistic from Equality Now — half a million U.S. girls in this country are at risk of female genital mutilation.

The fact that half a million U.S. girls are at-risk of female genital mutilation as a result of ....

Morning Mistress - In Your Face...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Girls With Guns

Illustrated Art: In The Shadow Of The Walker..

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Illustrated Art: Steampunk Girls

How Did You Know?

The Radical Islamic Get Out Of Gitmo Free Card...

If your country’s broke, don’t hold all of your savings there

On Friday March 15, 2013–just over three years ago–people across the entire nation of Cyprus went to bed believing that everything was OK.

The next morning they woke up to a different reality.

It turned out that their banking system was totally broke. After suffering enormous losses, banks no longer had sufficient liquidity or capital to maintain customer account balances.

People realized immediately that just because you can log in to a bank’s website and see an account balance printed on the screen that doesn’t actually mean that the money is there.

To make matters worse for depositors, the government was insolvent and unable to lift a finger to support the banks.

Plus the deposit guarantee from Cyprus’s central bank wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.

So in order to save the banking system, Cypriot politicians resorted to the unthinkable– freezing every bank account in the country. It all happened overnight.

This is precisely the sort of thing that happens when a poorly structured banking system meets an insolvent government.

And we should expect more of it. Because three years later, much of the West looks like Cyprus did back then.

Western banking systems are extremely illiquid, and many banks are very thinly capitalized with minimal reserves.

Deposit insurance funds are woefully undercapitalized and lack the financial capacity to guarantee the system.

And the governments who stand behind it all are themselves completely insolvent.

Bear in mind, all of these assertions are backed by publicly available data.

It’s not some wild conspiracy theory to suggest that the governments of the United States, Japan, and most of Western Europe are totally bankrupt.

These are facts. And each government publishes its own financial statements attesting to its insolvency.

It’s not crazy to say that the FDIC is undercapitalized and fails to maintain the amount of reserves that are required by law, let alone “the minimum level [of capital] needed to withstand future crises of the magnitude of past crises.”

This information is published in the FDIC’s own annual report.

And you don’t have to be a radical to review your bank’s financial statements and find, for example, that US Bank maintains cash reserves amounting to just 3.5% of its customer deposits.

Or that Italy’s Unicredit Bank holds cash reserves of just 1.7% of its customer deposits.

These numbers are not even remotely conservative. And they’re all available in the banks’ most recent reports.

Looking at the big picture, when it’s clear that your government is broke, your deposit insurance fund is undercapitalized, and your bank is hazardously illiquid, it seems obvious that you shouldn’t hold 100% of your savings in that banking system.

There are a multitude of solutions to reduce this risk.

One option that we have discussed is opening an account at a liquid, well-capitalized foreign bank located in a jurisdiction with no debt.

Banks in Asia tend to have extremely high levels of liquidity and hold generous, conservative reserves to safeguard their customer deposits.

An even easier option is to hold physical cash; buy a safe and start making withdrawals from your bank account.

Even if you’re completely skeptical about everything you’ve just read, you won’t be worse off for having cash instead of...

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